Associazione Italiana Tecnici Industrie Vernici e Affini (A.I.T.I.V.A.)
Frazione Le Mose,
Via Tirotti 9
29122 PIACENZA (Italy)
Tel.: +39 388 7903832
Onorary President: Dr. Olga Bottaro
President: Dr. Enrico Ancarani
Treasurer: Piero Puppo
Secretary: Dr. Francesca Salvetti
Members of AITIVA Board: Ivan Matteo Barozzi – Maurizio Benetazzo – Graziano Biagianti – Paolo Cerri – Gian Piero D’Agosto – Gian Franco Di Tanna – Rossano Ferretto – Giovanni Battista Gasparetto – Italo Marcacci – Luciano Pau – Pietro Puppo – Vanni Ravaioli – Flavio Visioli – Salvatore Zuccarella.
The Association of the Technicians of the Paint and Allied Industries was founded in 1948 by Drs. G. Balbi, P. Crovetto, E. Norsa, Prof. D. Pagani, and Dr. E. Recchia with the following aims: to bring into contact all those concerned with the production of paints, varnishes, printing inks and allied products, to promote their mutual acquaintance, by means of meetings and lectures in their specific technical field.
In 1998 AITIVA has celebrated its 50th Anniversary. AITIVA has at present 300 members approzimatively. The Association achieves its aims mainly by organizing working sessions, debates, and advanced training courses for young technicians. Moreover, besides having been one of the promoters and founders of FATIPEC, since the fifties, AITIVA has always been very active in the international area.
Two members of the AITIVA Board, for a period of ten years each, have been in turn members of the Advisory Board of the Athens Conference and, together with several known University Professors, members of the Scientific Committee. Since 1967, when for the first time a paper on behalf of FATIPEC was presented at FSCT Annual Meeting in USA, AITIVA speakers are still continuing giving their contribution.
Since 1971, together with the General Secretary of FATIPEC and the delegates AFPTVA, a member of the board of AITIVA has attended the Annual FSCT Meeting. In 1978 AFPTVA and AITIVA brought to a positive conclusion the contacts with FSCT aimed to the constitution of ICCATCI / CICATIRS, now called CSI.
AITIVA organized five FATIPEC Congresses: - 1959, in Milan - 1972, in Florence - 1986, in Venice - 2000, in Turin - 2010 in Genoa.
Since 1993 AITIVA, as founder member, is part of UATCM, Union of Associations of Technicians of Mediterranean Culture, together with the French Association AFPTVA and the Spanish Association AETEPA. Presently, are also members of UATCM the following Associations: Algerian ACPVE, Portuguese APTETI and Rumanian ARTILAC. As UATCM member, AITIVA has organized the Eurocoat event in 1996 (Genoa), in 2000 (Turin), in 2004 (Rimini), in 2007 and 2010 (Genoa).