
President of the FATIPEC FederationMichael Hilt
General Secretary of the FATIPEC Federation – Jozef Koziel
Treasurer of the FATIPEC Federation – Alain Lemor

The Board is composed of two delegates from each member association. It is the only body which has the authority to make decisions for any matters concerning the functioning of FATIPEC, its development and the future. Each member association has one vote.
The Board is chaired by the elected FATIPEC President and assisted by the General Secretary.

The Board elects the FATIPEC Executive Committee which is composed of: President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Congress President and 2 - 4 members.
The main activities are permanent work and preparation of recommendations to the Board concerning strategies and duties for implementation.

The Board elects the European Scientific Committee which is taking care of the scientific, technological, and technical level of FATIPEC, including the programme of the congress.

Any organisation or association satisfying the FATIPEC Statutes may apply to become a member of FATIPEC based on the Board’s approval.

Main FATIPEC objectives:

  • Stimulating research and exchange of ideas and expertise among its members and publishing the results of scientific and technological works worth the interest of the coatings industry;
  • Supporting activities for development of international cooperation between the coatings scientists and technicians worldwide including universities and institutes/research centers;
  • Organising an international congress for specialists, scientists, technicians and researchers of the Coatings and allied industries worldwide;
  • Creating cooperation or membership in other scientific organisations for defined goals;
  • Providing a platform for communication in the coatings world;
  • Promoting and to strengthening friendship and contact between all its members.