Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete (M.K.E.), Lakk- és Festékipari Szakosztály

Hattyú u 16 II/8
H-1015 Budapest, Hungary

Presidents: János Bognár; Lívia Molnar-Nagy

Secretariat: MKE, Hattyú u 16 II/8, H-1015 Budapest, Hungary

The Hungarian Chemical Society (Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete, MKE) consists of sections corresponding to the various special industrial branches. The whole association numbers about 2110 members. The Varnish and Paint Section unites those chemists, chemical engineers and technicians who work in the varnish, paint and related industries or in research and testing institutes in this field. The Varnish and Paint Section of MKE organises lectures and small symposia several times each year. These are intended to provide mutual information to specialists and to present the newest achievements in this field.

In 1965 the HCS (MKE) joined the FATIPEC Federation. The Society had been the host of successful FATIPEC conferences in 1978 and 1994. The XXIIth FATIPEC Congress was organised in combination with the World Coat ’94 Exhibition. In 2006 the Hungarian Chemical Society and the Polish Association of Chemical Engineers jointly organized the XXVIIIth FATIPEC Congress and the HungaroCoat/ HungaroCorr exhibition in Budapest.