Federation of Associations
of Technicians for Industry
of Paints in European Countries

More Than Just Studying


Next Congress ETCC2026
30 Juny – 2 July 2026 in Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

FATIPEC was created in 1950 and counts today twelve affiliated European National Coatings Associations of scientists, technicians and experts from the coatings world whose individual members belong to manufacturers, research and scientific centres, universities, suppliers of raw materials, production and application equipment producers and end users of coating materials.

FATIPEC is a non-profit organisation.

Members of FATIPEC represent the following countries:
Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Ukraine.

Member associations are organisations whose members deal with scientific and technological matters connected to coatings. These members are individuals employed or having been employed by: coatings manufacturers, allied industries like: producers or suppliers of raw materials, producers of production and laboratory, equipment control and measurement equipment as well as services, usable in the coatings industry, the end users, and coatings applicators, universities, institutes/research centres, and other organisations having functions with a close connection to coatings activities like binder production, adhesives usage etc.

All together the number of individual affiliated members amounts to about 3000.

FATIPEC is a member of the federation CSI - Coatings Societies International

CSI is the global organisation composed of the following member federations: FATIPEC (Europe), JSCM (Japan), OCCA (United Kingdom), SCAA (Australia), SCANZ (New Zealand) and SLF (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden).

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